Here is what is going on as of early Wednesday morning.
My blood pressure was elevated at my 34w appt last Tuesday, but Dr. Gibbs sent me home with instructions to take it easy, alter my diet (I'd not been able to keep solids down), and we'd reevaluate this week.
Well, after another week of a pretty much all-liquid diet, a 4 lb. weight gain at yesterday's 35w appt was pretty indicative that I was having some water retention/swelling issues. Dr. Gibbs examined my hands, feet, and legs; took my BP (which was 140/80); and sent me home with explicit instructions to "tone it down" and to monitor my BP at home. I was to call him ASAP, no matter when, if my BP reached 140/90.
Okay, and am I supposed to "tone" down the level of activity I'm currently doing? Yesterday, I literally did not get up off the couch except to fix lunch for Jim and to check the mail!
Back to the BP... I checked it at 7 pm, and it was 139/82. At 10:30, I started to get very flushed and dizzy, so I checked it again, and it was 141/93. So, I called Dr. Gibbs, and he thought it safe to let me sleep through the night, and I was told to call Jo (my ob nurse) Wednesday morning at 9 when the office opened.
I checked my BP at 6:45 this morning, and it was 156/93, and again at 8:00, and it was 142/ now I'm just waiting to talk to Jo at 9:00.
I'm anticipating being sent to the hospital (whether I'll be admitted or not isn't clear to me) for monitoring and a 24-hour urine collection to check for protein....(and for those not uber-savvy in where I'm going with this, we are concerned about preeclampsia). I don't know much more at this time, and I'm sorry to just leave you all with this uncertain not-so-good news...but I'm not sure when Jim or I'll be able to update, and I didn't want the next post to be "he's here!" without any warning.
So, we'd appreciate your prayers in the next few days, and we'll try to update as much and as soon as possible.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Turkey Day to all our friends and family!
I apologize that I've been slacking off with updating the site....things have been a roller coaster of uneventful and crazy these last few weeks.
I promise that in the next few days, I'll take time to post some family pics (I know there are some of you who are dying to know how big Sprout is making me!), and also update all of you on how things are progressing with the pregnancy.
In the meantime, Jim, Sprout, and I leave you with the warmest wishes as we head into this most blessed holiday season. Our love to you all this Thanksgiving Day!
I apologize that I've been slacking off with updating the site....things have been a roller coaster of uneventful and crazy these last few weeks.
I promise that in the next few days, I'll take time to post some family pics (I know there are some of you who are dying to know how big Sprout is making me!), and also update all of you on how things are progressing with the pregnancy.
In the meantime, Jim, Sprout, and I leave you with the warmest wishes as we head into this most blessed holiday season. Our love to you all this Thanksgiving Day!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
General Update
I had another good visit with Dr. Gibbs this past week....can you believe it? Two in a row! And by good, I mean good enough that I don't even need to go see him next week! I only have my urology appt with Dr. Emmert on Friday, and then I see Dr. Gibbs again on the 20th.
We went over the ultrasound results, as while Dr. Gibbs seems a little unsure that the MFS office is getting all the measurements he'd like to see, he was pleased with the results they did get. The biggest shock to me was Sprout's size. All my books pointed to him being at least 4 lbs., but alas, our babe is teeny tiny: he only weighed 3 lbs., 10 oz. at the u/s appt. BUT. Dr. Gibbs said this was well within the healthy range, and if he had it his way, Sprout will stay small (no bigger than 6-7 lbs. at delivery), which, after watching three live births in Lamaze last Monday, is more than fine with me!
I'll try to get Jim to take some better belly pictures in the next few days.....I feel like I'm growing daily now, and, if Sprout is putting on his 8-9 0z. a week like he's supposed to, I guess that would make sense! It's hard to believe the end is in sight! But I'm more excited than anything at this point....and we're even getting closer to a real name. We'll keep you all posted!
We went over the ultrasound results, as while Dr. Gibbs seems a little unsure that the MFS office is getting all the measurements he'd like to see, he was pleased with the results they did get. The biggest shock to me was Sprout's size. All my books pointed to him being at least 4 lbs., but alas, our babe is teeny tiny: he only weighed 3 lbs., 10 oz. at the u/s appt. BUT. Dr. Gibbs said this was well within the healthy range, and if he had it his way, Sprout will stay small (no bigger than 6-7 lbs. at delivery), which, after watching three live births in Lamaze last Monday, is more than fine with me!
I'll try to get Jim to take some better belly pictures in the next few days.....I feel like I'm growing daily now, and, if Sprout is putting on his 8-9 0z. a week like he's supposed to, I guess that would make sense! It's hard to believe the end is in sight! But I'm more excited than anything at this point....and we're even getting closer to a real name. We'll keep you all posted!
Sprout's Shower: Part II
One of my girlfriends commented to me yesterday that she checked the blog several times since the shower, and determined that it had either been a very eventful week in the Gregory home, or a very uneventful week, as I didn't post once after last Sunday. I'm happy to report that it was the latter. Nothing much happened last week; I was just too lazy to post anything creative.
But, as I sit here today, waiting for the start of the Browns vs Steelers game (this should be good!), I have no excuse not to write up the promised Part II report of Sprout's shower.
But first, a few more pictures:
I don't know how I feel about having my belly be the same size as my cake! At least I know that the cake weighs more! Jim made special arrangements to have my shower cake be one of the layers form our wedding cake: Thrush's Golden Harvest (spice cake with apples and raisins). Mmm! So good, and so rich!
Steph and Kristen, two of my closest girlfriends, did a wonderful job co-hosting my shower with Jenny. They helped me design the shower invites, and assisted Lisa with a fantastic menu. We are all very excited about venturing into the wonderful world of mommyhood together (Kristen is due with her first in early May, and we're hoping Steph follows suit soon!).

Just getting in some practice with Jenna Bach. After all, what is a baby shower without a baby? (I'm thinking the whole rock-a-bye thing will be easier without a huge belly in the way, though. I sure hope so!)
Jim and I feel so blessed by the generosity of our friends and family. We got almost everything we need for Sprout's arrival, and lots of things we don't really need, per se, but that sure make looking forward to his arrival more special, like cute fleece outfits, cozy blankets, hooded bath towels, super cute more trip to Babies 'R Us for a couple more basic onesies and some diapers and wipes, and we'll be all set to have a baby!
I really should take a picture of my travel system (stroller and infant car seat) to do this story justice, but again, my laziness is coming into play...maybe I'll edit it in later. But anyway, here is the coolest scenario regarding our travel system:
A few months ago, my Aunt Denise commented to me that my Uncle Joe might be able to get our Graco travel system (TS) at a discounted price; he works for Rubbermaid, who owns Graco. Sure enough, a couple weeks before the shower, Aunt Denise called me to say that Uncle Joe indeed had been able to get the TS, and that I should take it off my registry. Cool thing #1 is that someone owed Uncle Joe a favor, and they provided the TS for free! So, sure enough, my TS makes an appearance at the shower. Afterwards, Jim and I were visiting with Aunt Denise and Grandma Soldano, and I wondered aloud what I should do in case there were a problem with the TS (as it had come directly from the Graco factory. Aunt Denise and Jim decided just to put it together on the spot to make sure it was okay, and as they started to pull pieces from the box, I realized that this was the stroller I registered for....this was way better!!! As near as we can figure, we got a free "upgrade" to the next level of Graco strollers, and we now own the deluxe model...this thing is like the Rolls Royce of baby buggies, and it is in the coolest pattern! So much better than the "gay purple" pattern we'd settled on (Jim's description, not mine!) So, thank you, Graco, and thank you, Uncle Joe and Aunt Denise for your legwork. =)
By Wednesday, I had our living room returned to normal and most everything in its place in the nursery. I can't say I'm 100% organized, as there is still a (neat) pile in the corner of the basement family room for "things to come" that aren't even out of the box yet: the high chair, the PackNPlay, and a box of "feeding" necessities (bibs, bottles, cleaning brushes). But the house looks like we could welcome Sprout home with no problem...well, other than parents that are starting to get a little anxious/nervous. But more about that in a separate post.
Some final highlights of my shower, and then I'll wrap this up. I was so touched by a few other things my hostesses planned. Each lady at my shower was asked to fill out a 3x5 card with "mommy" advice so that I'm not entering into this adventure completely clueless! Also, while I was opening my gifts, the ladies were given all the supplies to create beautiful scrapbook pages for me, for each major baby milestone, holiday, and season. I was so touched by this, as I know this is not my strength, and I would not have taken the time in the coming months to do this. But now, I only need to take pictures and insert them!
So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you Jenny, Lisa, Abby, Beth, Lauren, Steph, and Kristen for all the hard work you put into my special day. It was by far the best day of my crazy pregnancy adventure, and I know neither Jim nor I will ever forget it. Sprout will know, without a doubt, how much he is already loved!
But, as I sit here today, waiting for the start of the Browns vs Steelers game (this should be good!), I have no excuse not to write up the promised Part II report of Sprout's shower.
But first, a few more pictures:

Just getting in some practice with Jenna Bach. After all, what is a baby shower without a baby? (I'm thinking the whole rock-a-bye thing will be easier without a huge belly in the way, though. I sure hope so!)

I really should take a picture of my travel system (stroller and infant car seat) to do this story justice, but again, my laziness is coming into play...maybe I'll edit it in later. But anyway, here is the coolest scenario regarding our travel system:
A few months ago, my Aunt Denise commented to me that my Uncle Joe might be able to get our Graco travel system (TS) at a discounted price; he works for Rubbermaid, who owns Graco. Sure enough, a couple weeks before the shower, Aunt Denise called me to say that Uncle Joe indeed had been able to get the TS, and that I should take it off my registry. Cool thing #1 is that someone owed Uncle Joe a favor, and they provided the TS for free! So, sure enough, my TS makes an appearance at the shower. Afterwards, Jim and I were visiting with Aunt Denise and Grandma Soldano, and I wondered aloud what I should do in case there were a problem with the TS (as it had come directly from the Graco factory. Aunt Denise and Jim decided just to put it together on the spot to make sure it was okay, and as they started to pull pieces from the box, I realized that this was the stroller I registered for....this was way better!!! As near as we can figure, we got a free "upgrade" to the next level of Graco strollers, and we now own the deluxe model...this thing is like the Rolls Royce of baby buggies, and it is in the coolest pattern! So much better than the "gay purple" pattern we'd settled on (Jim's description, not mine!) So, thank you, Graco, and thank you, Uncle Joe and Aunt Denise for your legwork. =)
By Wednesday, I had our living room returned to normal and most everything in its place in the nursery. I can't say I'm 100% organized, as there is still a (neat) pile in the corner of the basement family room for "things to come" that aren't even out of the box yet: the high chair, the PackNPlay, and a box of "feeding" necessities (bibs, bottles, cleaning brushes). But the house looks like we could welcome Sprout home with no problem...well, other than parents that are starting to get a little anxious/nervous. But more about that in a separate post.
Some final highlights of my shower, and then I'll wrap this up. I was so touched by a few other things my hostesses planned. Each lady at my shower was asked to fill out a 3x5 card with "mommy" advice so that I'm not entering into this adventure completely clueless! Also, while I was opening my gifts, the ladies were given all the supplies to create beautiful scrapbook pages for me, for each major baby milestone, holiday, and season. I was so touched by this, as I know this is not my strength, and I would not have taken the time in the coming months to do this. But now, I only need to take pictures and insert them!
So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you Jenny, Lisa, Abby, Beth, Lauren, Steph, and Kristen for all the hard work you put into my special day. It was by far the best day of my crazy pregnancy adventure, and I know neither Jim nor I will ever forget it. Sprout will know, without a doubt, how much he is already loved!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Sprout's Shower: Part I
Sprout was wonderfully showered on Saturday with gifts of love, both practical and personal. I plan to write up a full report soon (I'm so, so tired), but for all of you who weren't able to celebrate with us, here's an "encapsulating" picture of the festivities. The gift I'm opening in this picture is one of my favorites (am I allowed to admit that?). It's my Pottery Barn Kids stroller blanket from my great aunts Nellie and Joanne (my late grandmother's sisters-in-law). You can also see another of my favorite gifts under the table -- also a PBK special -- my diaper caddy, from my great aunt Bert (same grandma's other sis-in-law). How very special that they were there in spirit, as they have a special place in my heart since my Ducky's death. Thank you, all three of you! XOXOXO
Again, I will post more details about the shower, and my thoughts on my wonderful day, later this week. For now, I'm off to bed to read (we'll see if I even get through a chapter!). Sleep will be welcome tonight....although Sprout seems to have liked the corn dogs I had for dinner, and is wide awake! He has some of my night owl genes in him after all!
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