I have to admit, I’m not 100% happy with how our porch turned out this year. As I arranged things earlier this week, I kept thinking, “it was better last year.” But then I pulled up the pictures from last year; other than the fact that last year, we had three small mums (as opposed to this years’ two gargantuan ones) and a handful more little pumpkins, it really isn’t as “better” as I thought.
Anyway, all that to say, I definitely see myself tweaking and fluffing some more in the coming weeks. But for now, here is how we are welcoming fall this year.
Pumpkins, and a peanut. ;)

Froofed up wreath.
(I’d forgotten where our usual one had been stored, so I made a new one (see photo above). When I found the original (smaller) wreath, I just layered them up. You can’t quite see all the “WELCOME” letters, but I think you still get the gist.)
If you’re wondering why my pumpkins are so shiny, it’s because I spray them with Krylon acrylic indoor/outdoor clear coat. Last year, it kept the pumpkins from rotting or being eaten for the full 2 months we had them out in the elements.
Bejeweled spider candlestick (Pottery Barn).

The perfect perch for the palest of pumpkins.
Just imagine that the mums have already bloomed…
I think the green pumpkin on the table is my favorite this year.

Still needs a little something….but what?

There, that’s better. ;)
And forgive the quality of these next pics….stupid flash/no flash rule…. but here are the few fall touches I’ve set out inside:
A woven basket ($1 garage sale find) filled with cinnamon hazelnut potpourri; a pair of grapevine pumpkins set on the mantel among the regular decor (‘08 Target clearance!!!); and a new tradition of a framed picture of my trick-or-treater in his past Halloween costumes. This picture will be more of a challenge now that I have two little monsters to wrangle for a photo shoot. ;)
And last but certainly not least….
Homemade beef stew bubbling in the dutch oven. Mmmmmm!
Seeing as how I’ve yet to make my inaugural loaf of chocolate chip pumpkin bread, I’ll have to take my carbs in garlic bread form. (Cry me a river, I know!)

Now that the temperatures have finally settled well below the 95-degrees we’ve been having, I think it’s safe to say, FALL IS HERE!!!