Friday, April 19, 2013


Have y'all heard of DietBet?

It is super user-friendly site, and a fun way to challenge yourself and friends to drop a few pounds.

Essentially, you have a set amount of time to lose a certain percentage of your body weight.  You have a set amount of money that you put into a "pot," and at the end of the "game," all those who meet their goal split the pot.  I recently participated in a challenge to drop 4% in 4 weeks, with a $10 pay-in, and today was our final weigh-in.   As of right now, 3 of the 12 participants (myself included in the 3!) have met our goal, so as it stands right now, I'm getting $40 back instead of my $10.  Yippee!!!

More significantly, though, is that I am finally -- FINALLY! -- out of my Phase II of my original (and failed, sigh) 30 x 30 plan.  That is HUGE.  I'm finally at pre-Duncan weight, and that is so physically and emotionally significant I can hardly explain.

Anyways....I just had to share!

It looks like we are going to be starting another DietBet game next Friday, so if you want in on the fun, just leave me a comment, and I'll get you hooked up!


~*Kimmy*~ said...

Yay!!! And I'm going to look into that!

Tiffany said...

Good job!! (;

Kate said...

I'd love in!

Denise said...

yeah for $40! what a fun way to diet (if there is such a thing as a fun way to diet).