Not that we ever really went anywhere, but being back to work has left little time for blogging.
Jim and I took a quick trip to Bellevue to visit Grandma and Grandpa Soldano on Friday night. It was a quick trip, and neither Jim nor I wanted to leave. I think if we'd had my pump and my medicine, we very easily could have been convinced to spend the night. (Something tells me that Grandma and Grandpa would have loved it, too!) Grandpa was hesitant to hold Seth when we took the baby to Bellevue in December, but had no qualms this time -- he scooped Seth right up (and Seth, by the way, love, love, loved the growl of Grandpa's voice) and was the master at getting Seth to sleep. I just hate that we had to steal him away from such a sweet bedtime spot (Grandpa's arms) to go home.

The only reason I've found time to carve out a few minutes to write now is that I was blessed with a "grown up" snow day -- we are under a Level 2 snow emergency here in Toledo, so the Hylant office was closed, and I got the spend the day with Seth. Granted, he has spent a good portion of the day asleep, as he is battling his first cold, but it has still been nice to have some extra time with him today.
I do have to concede, however, that being back at work is definitely the right choice for me at this point. The quiet of the house and the restlessness that came over me after I put Seth down for his nap is enough to drive a girl nuts! Though I've done a good deal of yawning at my desk as I get back into the routine of a 9-hour work day, I'm really enjoying being back in the corporate office.

As I mentioned before, Seth is fighting his first cold. He is a trooper, though. Actually, I don't know that he even realizes that he is sick. Yesterday, as I was changing him, he sneezed, and snot went everywhere. He just grinned up at me, as if to say "look what I did, Mom!" He is so darn cute -- I really don't think I could ask for a better baby. He eats well. He sleeps well. (We even got a taste of what is to come on Saturday night -- we woke up at 7:15 Sunday morning, only to realize Seth had slept through the night! Yea!)
I'll close this somewhat boring and random post with a couple pictures from last night. Seth always wakes up SO happy -- it's great. He fell asleep in the recliner last night, and we woke up just like this:

Seth's Grampa John Gregory was just like this during his early years. Grammie Rosile has told the story so many times of what an easy baby he was: happy, calm, eating, sleeping, patiently waiting for diaper change, and not troubled with ailments.
She expected the same with the second baby and was in for a major shock. The second baby was the exact opposite in nearly every way.
The third baby was somewhere in the middle between the two extremes, being really happy or very unhappy depending.
Have fun enjoying this first easy-going baby.
aww, gotta love the first smile! i'm glad that work is going well and that you're adjusting ok! glad seth is such a good baby too, he's a cutie! i'm sure you appreciate him that much more when you're away from him all day. at first naptime does seem weird, but you will come to LOVE it! it's my favorite time of day next to bedtime! lol :)
i agree with your aunt! lol the 1st baby just tricks you into having more! haha. my 2 are so opposite. love them both of course, but they are just different kids. everyone i know has a harder time with the 2nd. so yeah, enjoy it now! :) haha
LOL I thank God every day that He gave us Zeke first. What a horrible newborn he was...well, quite frankly he was pretty bad until he turned 1, then he gave us a few months off & turned into a toddler. Err. If we had Micah first, I would have had to return Zeke!! As Seth gets older & there's more laundry & more toys to pick up & the like, naptime won't be so quiet. I promise. :) I'm glad you're enjoying being back at work!
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