So, it's a little overdue, but here is a recap of the great weekend we had two weekends ago -- no grand plans, no travel (well, okay, a little travel) -- just a great weekend doing normal things as a family.
We traveled to Deshler, OH, to have dinner with our dear friends Mike and Melissa. Melissa and I used to work together, and she is hands-down the best thing to come of that entire employment experience. We all hate that we live so far apart (we used to be about 40 minutes, and now it's about an hour (depending on if Jim is driving the speed limit, or 110 [like he was this Friday, as we were in the Mustang [top down] and racing a nasty storm]).
Melissa and Mike welcomed their son Brody in March of 2007, and he is a doll. (Brody was a preemie like Seth, and it was such a blessing to use his preemie clothes when Seth came home from the hospital.) As you'll see in the pictures below, Brody is growing up, and is a pro at sharing toys and "toys" (read: power strips) with his new friend Seth.

~~~ Saturday, August 2 ~~~
Ah, sleep! I got up at my normal time to pump, but then Jim got up with Seth at 7:00 and let me sleep in until 8:00. Bliss!!! Getting to sleep in, just a little, on a beautiful Saturday with nothing on the agenda until 3:00 pm was the best little gift he could have given me all day.

The afternoon took us to Walbridge for Ezekiel's 3rd birthday party. Fun, fun, fun, and Sara never disappoints with her cooking. Instead of traditional cake, we had yummy cupcakes, lemon meringue pie, and blueberry pie. Mmm!
Then, it was off to Andy's not-so-much-a-surprise 30th birthday party in Perrysburg. Sara and I were gracious enough to let Doug and Jim head off in the Mustang while Sara and I loaded up Tabitha and Seth in the Suburban. Now, this wouldn't have been too great a sacrifice on our parts except that Tabby, who is about 4 months old, does not have the best relationship with her carseat. My, oh, my can that girl scream! You can't really tell what she's doing in the picture below, but it's pretty obvious that Seth does not appreciate the noise. (About 10 minutes into the drive, he simply turned his head to the left, and went to sleep!)

Following Brody's example: "Here, Tabby, put these in your mouth!"
~~~ Sunday, August 3 ~~~
A normal morning at church, followed by an impromptu cookout with Joel, Kristen, and baby Emily, and Craig and Steph (baby B due 4 months from today!) Seth's contribution was to guard the juice. =)

Seriously, Mom?
The weekend was so normal, so ordinary, so perfect. I hope this coming one is just like it -- nothing on the agenda, really. No plans, no "major tasks to accomplish or else" (although there is always something, you know?), no reason to do anything but enjoy being a family.
Thanks for your patience in waiting for new news (and putting up with my "bad day" posts in the meantime).
Coming soon:
- Last weekend's trip to Jerry and Nikki's;
- (we hope for) Baby Olive's arrival -- Sara is in labor as I type; and
- the countdown to Dan and Margie's wedding (yippee!!! Seth and Jim's first trip to great state of California and the Pacific Ocean!). Stay tuned!
It all sounds very relaxing...... I am such a home-body at heart.
Haven't read the part of your story yet, about Seth being a preemie. I am a (pretty much retired) RN, and my specialty was NICU. LOVED my preemies!
Have another restful weekend!
Funny how Tabitha doesn't even pretend to NOT like Seth's fingers in her mouth. Maybe he was just trying to make sure she was done screaming for real. ;) Love the deck!
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