Monday, May 16, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge

One of my favorite things to do on a rainy day is to curl up with a blanket and my laptop and read back through my blog posts and comments.

Granted, (and I’m blaming Google Reader for this), comments are less frequent lately than they’ve ever been.  Boo!  But I’m a lousy commenter, too (though I AM trying to get better!), so I guess I don’t have a lot of room to complain.  Still, I have been in a blogging slump (other than the April photo challenge I set for myself), and I really, really want to get over the hurdle and get some more written content published.

Enter my friend “kekis” who blogs at Fertile Ramblings. She posted a few weeks ago about a 30 day blog challenge she was embarking on (which she recently confessed she isn’t necessarily doing consecutively, which, if I’m honest, I’m guessing I won’t be doing either).  So, follower that I am….I’m jumping on the band wagon, too:

30 Days of Blogging

I may have to adjust some of the topics (for example, #11.  I don’t have an ipod), but I’m determined to get some things down on e-paper for posterity sake, and get back in the groove of writing regularly.

Maybe I’ll even get a few faithful readers to comment again…..? ;)


Kate said...

I will be interested to read on your topics. ;-)

gottaluvboyz said...

Fun! I look forward to reading your posts:)

Kendra said...

I am terrible at commenting too. But a lot of the time it's because I get part way through an entry and then a child (or a husband) needs me, so I have to stop.

But I am looking forward to your topics!!! Sounds interesting!

Kelly said...

Interesting! I've been in a blogging slump too lately. Maybe you'll inspire me!

Denise said...

hi monica!

it was nice to see you over at my blog.

this is a great idea.

sometimes i just need to be pointed in a blogging direction, give it to me and i can talk (blog) all day!

lately i find myself with things i want to blog about but not enough time to sit and articulate my words.


looking forward to your 30 day challenge.

Melissa said...

Hi Monica! Thanks for the advice on blogging! Still haven't gotten my blogs back from blogger :( BOO!
anyway - i may be a follower too - b/c this looks like fun!

Sara said...

I've been otherwise occupied. *grumble* I'm trying to catch up on my blogs (mainly: You, Kelly, Beth, Jeanette...and my own. Oops!) in the next few days. i like the idea!

Barb said...

I am interested in this 30 day challenge also. How do we get started and where do we post?