Please excuse the poor quality. I took pictures OF the pictures with my camera phone (impatient, I was!!), and emailed them to myself just so I could send them out to people before I mail out the real ones.
These are the shots we chose from the Portrait Innovations package. Seth did sooooo well with the shoot. He only cooperated (with smiles) for about the first 10 minutes, and then he just got bored. Most of the end shots were with the "get that thing outta my face, lady" look. But the smiles we DID get were priceless, as you can see.

This pose to the left -- the one with the black background -- was Jim's favorite, so we have the most prints of this one. Please let me know if you'd like one, and I'll get a wallet in the mail to whomever wants one.
Okay, I realize now I'm just trying to come up with things to say to fill in the space next to the pictures, which is fine, unless you're the one reading it. ;) I'll just quit now and leave you in peace to stare at my beautiful baby.

Great pix, Monica! Seth is just precious!!!
Amy Y in Pcola
I love the pics! He's one of my new "pin-ups" on my fridge. :)
so hard to pick, they're all so cute! he's absolutely adorable!! it's so cool to see the change every time you get a new pic done. i love to look at them at 3, 6, 9mos, then 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and almost SIX yrs old!!! it goes by SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fast! enjoy every minute of it!!
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