But make no mistake: just because we're crossing into Dixie does NOT mean I will learn to drink sweet tea or eat grits.
More details to follow, but in case you don't recognize the pictures above, they are of Nashville, TN, and that is where we'll soon call home.
Isn't it exciting, y'all?! =)
NICE!!! Nashville is AWESOME!!! I actually am hoping to run the Country Music 1/2 Marathon again there this spring (end of April). I figured it would give me a good goal to focus on, help me get back in shape, etc. Will you guys be there by then? Maybe we'll actually get to meet in person :)
Hope you're doing well.
Well bust out the possum and lets have a cookout and any other road kill you can find.lol
Hope what ever you have decided works out for ya all.Oh and by the way the drink there is moonshine not tea lmao.
Love Aunt Cathi
You'll learn to love sweet tea. ;) *sigh* I didn't want to be right, Monica!! Doug will probably be calling Jim tonight. How soon are you moving?
Sweet tea is AWESOME.
How ironic. I'm going to Nashville today for my son's surgery (on Thursday), I just read on another blog that Big Mama is going to Nashville today. I've got it figured out. GOD IS IN NASHVILLE.
Correction. I suppose it's not really ironic. Just like most of the examples in the Alanis Morrissette song. But I just can't think of what it is. Neat? Cool? Interesting? Sigh...I'm tired and not making much sense.
Anyway, that's so great. I'm sure you'll love it there! I live closer to Chattanooga, but Nashville is good, too!
I am so excited for you!! Not to mention so happy that you will be so close to L'ville, we can visit much more often. I'm so happy you get to be a SAHM, too!! Congratulations to Jim and you! :)
Just wanted to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
So I guess we have a new vacation spot to hit several times a year. I am so happy for you guys.
Love, Mama G
I'm so jealous! I want to go to Nashville!
Good luck to you guys!
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