Or your mama, as the case may be.
I have been reading this blog of sweet Kelly's for quite a while now, and today, the blog world is throwing her a shower.

So, Kelly, Scott, and Harper, here is my gift to you.
Try everything at least once. You never know what may change your life. For example, I wasn't going to get a bouncy seat. Turns out, Seth L-O-V-E-D it. I scoffed at the SwaddleMe/Miracle Blanket contraptions. I stopped laughing when he started sleeping (and has since slept) through the night at 8 weeks.
Don't pressure yourself to "sleep when the baby sleeps." This is probably the one piece of advice you'll get the most, and it's the most ignored by moms, and sometimes with good reason. I'm a structured, perfectionist, Type-A, and I functioned better, on the whole, if I spent 30 minutes throwing a casserole together, taking a shower, or tidying my living room, rather than stressing to sleep. Now don't get me wrong, there are times you are DEAD tired, and you fall asleep nursing. But my point is, if you find yourself with some energy when Harper is napping, use it doing something you love...you will sleep again someday (and probably sooner than you think).
Don't lose sight of your marriage. 'Nough said. ;)
There's more, but that's what the other 500 "shower gifts" are for. Blessings on you and your growing family.
That is all GREAT advice! I'm like you -I'm not much for napping so I would rather use my time cooking,cleaning, or blogging instead of sleeping. Life's too short to sleep! :-)
And I already know how important it will be for us to have dates!
Thanks for this post - it is so sweet!!! And I'm praying for you also!!!
Popped in for Kelly's shower. Cute post - with some great advice. I always ran the vacuum when my little went down for a nap.
Thank you for "coming" to the shower! Great advice!
That is some great advice. The sleep when the baby sleeps thing never worked for me either. Too Type A. But like you said, sometimes the mood will strike and you do need to be open to it when it does! Great tips!
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