Monday, September 20, 2010

30 x 30 Week 11

Short and sweet.

  • Weight lost: 3 lbs.
  • Total lost since July 6th: 4 lbs.
  • Pounds to go in Phase Two: 12 lbs.

On track with the realistic goal I posted last week, I think, which would have me down 4 more lbs. in the next 10 days.  We’ll see.  If it happens, whoo-hoo!  If not, I can smile at the fact that I still am adding to the donation pile of “these are too big” clothes.  The scale is only a number, after all.  I need to stay focused on how I look and most importantly, how I feel.

The only roadblock in my (known) future this week is a birthday party on Friday afternoon, but I’m telling my friends right now (that’s you, Kasey and Andrea) – don’t let me eat cake.  I’d rather enjoy my naked burrito at Qdoba.  So, hold me to it! =)  Other than that…I think it’ll be a good week.

Hope y’all have one, too.