Wednesday, February 17, 2010

26w Update

How far along? 26w1d.  I’m closing in on the third trimester! 

Total weight gain
: 3 lbs up.  Yikes.  I’ve gained my first pound of pregnancy weight, which Dr. Morgan assured me I can breathe easily over.  To be over 75% done with my pregnancy and to only have gained 3 lbs. is “more than acceptable.”  Especially considering that 2 of those 3 lbs. is all Baby Girl! 

Maternity clothes?
Of course.  But I also sported a super cute non-maternity top to the doctor on Tuesday, and felt half-way human.

Yes, please.   Sleep would be so much better than the nightmares where I keep getting chased, caught, tortured, and then EATEN by loin-clothed cannibals.  (Yeah; that was Sunday.)

Best moment this week:
Finally getting some medicine for my lingering sore throat/sinus and/or upper respiratory infection.  C’mon, pharmaceuticals, do your thing. 

: After a slight change in behavior last week that, admittedly, had me scrambling for the phone to schedule an emergency ultrasound, she has resumed her normal, over-the-top, won’t stop for a minute behavior. 

Labor Signs/Body Changes of Note: Things are pretty stable right now.  (Imagine that; bedrest is actually working.  Obedience is a power thing.)  I have to have some blood work done in 2 weeks, in addition to my glucose test, but I’m feeling fairly confident that all is well under the surface. 

What I miss : Seth.  He is going to be in Toledo for another whole week, and while Jim and I are taking full advantage of this “babymoon,” we both miss our little man.  Only knowing he is having a great time with his grandparents makes this bearable. 

What I am looking forward to:
A date on Saturday night, seeing my mom in just a couple weeks, and starting to fill up Baby Girl’s closet thanks to the generous hand-me-downs from Beth and Sara.
Stats: B/P: 130/70; BG heartrate: 144; urine: clear (no trace protein); platelets: 99


Cindi said...


Congratulations!! I'm so glad all is well and your baby girl is healthy!!

I plan to read your blog like I would a good novel, over the next few days.

Thanks for your faithful comments to my pitiful little blog! I can only hope that I'm really back this time!

Cindi said...
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Kendra said...

Hooray for 26 weeks and low BP!!!!

Sara said...

Woohoo! Bedrest is working! Keep your butt down so you can stay out of that stinky hospital! *hugs*

Hillary @ The Other Mama said...

SO GLAD you are doing well. I love the fact that obedience works! Who knew?? :)