The weather was really crummy, so we spent Saturday merely driving around downtown and window shopping at one of the malls in town. On a whim, I ducked into Pottery Barn Kids, just to get some ideas for nursery decor in the event that Itty Bitty was indeed a girl, as my mother's intuition was indicating.
I spotted the cutest bumper on display -- one I'd not noticed before either online or in the catalog. I picked it up off the rack, and asked a sales associate if it was a new design. It wasn't; in fact, it was a discontinued design.
Or so I thought.
See, it was exactly what I'd been keeping an eye out for, because I knew I wanted something pink and orange (to match our nursery rocker) and that would coordinate with green (the paint color in the nursery). This bumper fit the bill to a tee.
But even though I knew there would be no additional pieces that I'd be tempted to purchase other than the bumper, I also knew that Jim would never go for a $79.99 price tag, even if it was perfect.
(And in case you've forgotten the time frame of this event, keep in mind that we didn't even know the baby's gender at this point. Just humor me.)
As it turned out, there was only one bumper left in the store, and PBK was unable to hold it for me until we received our gender determination. (Oh, come on? What's with not honoring a four-week hold?) I figured that I could always buy it, and in the event that Itty Bitty was a boy, I could return it to the store.
Until they told me that clearance priced items were final sale.
Huh? Clearance priced? You mean it wasn't $79.99?
Nope. $24.99! For Pottery Barn bedding! Jackpot!!!
So, I bought it. Yes, fully aware that there was only a 50/50 chance that I'd get to use it.
Isn't it pretty?

Have you ever made an impulse buy that ended up being a "bad decision" that you just couldn't bring yourself to regret?
I LOVE it! And I have a feeling there is some pink in your future Monica!! Maybe on baby #3 =) I say save it!!
Very pretty! Hold onto it..Just in case!
Save never know what surprises are around the corner! You don't regret buying it, but you might regret getting rid of it.
Me and impulsive...right! My problem is that I'm not impulsive enough so I think about EVERYTHING I buy and then when I finally decide to buy it, I go back to the store and it's gone!
That is so cute! Definitely save it for #3, you never know! (kelly&marty)
Save that, my dear! You're not done yet. ;)
Hey Monica....
I am not going to lurk and not say hello....loved reading your blog....I hope we can get together someday, we are about 4 hours away now that we have moved to NC...
I think you should keep the bumper just in case...
I still see the little girl that used to come to our house when I see your picture....
I looove it too! Haha only all the time. I always buy stuff saying to myself " "Oh well I could sell this on eBay but I never do!!
I bought a boy set AND a girl set from Pottery Barn Kids clearance THREE years before we adopted our little girl!
When it's a deal, it's a deal.
I hope you get to use it!
And I am so sorry for your loss. He fought hard and is in the place all champions should be.
omword! I love it!!! I can't wait to see this in action either! I've already got some ideas!
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