This came on Monday from the funeral home. Actually, this envelope contained Duncan's cremation certificate (what we will need to present to the cemetary if we ever decide to have him buried.)
Is it me, or is the Homer Simpson stamp a little inappropriate?
I mean, really? Homer Simpson?
As my dear Kendra said when I told her, "don't these places pay people to think about this sort of thing?"
Oh my goodness...
Seriously. Turn your dang brain on, folks! Sure, this everyday stuff to *them*...but not to the people they're sending the certificates out to. They have plain stamps out there! *smacks more people*. GEESH! Love you, Mon!
Yup, way out of line...That is awful. They deserve a phone call on that one! Sorry!
I agree. Poor taste. Maybe you should send an email and let them know.
goodness. let's hope it was the work of some immature summer intern. because that's just bad.
I am in shock here. I cannot believe any professional company would use a Homer Simpson stamp on their business mailings. That is in the poorest taste imaginable. I would definitely be sending them an email or calling them or something. I'm so sorry you have to deal with things like that, Mon.
That is the same funeral home that cremated baby Grace. Although, it took me awhile to go pick up the ashes, and I believe the cremation certificate was with her when we got her back, so fortunately, I did not get a Homer Simpson stamp.
Oh my goodness....I am appalled by that. Seriously??? I can't believe the poor taste.
That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. Unprofessional doesn't even begin to describe it. I would absolutely call and let them know that a Homer Simpson stamp is not OK in their line of work.
OMG -- you've GOT to be kidding me?! Definitely poor taste -- sheesh!
Wow! Lack of professionalism! I would call or right a letter. Make sure you send the pic too. Hopefully they will take care of the matter and at least apologize.
Monica...I thought of you yesterday at the post office when I was getting ready to ship some Sufficient Grace packages and newsletters. I asked for stamps and the postmaster offered me the Simpsons, another design, or some flags. I laughed a little thinking how inappropriate the Simpsons would be (and that there is no way I would send anything with the Simpsons on it, especially ministry items!)...then I remembered your post and it seemed even more ridiculous. Before I could open my mouth to answer, my eight year old said, "I can tell you 100% that my mom will say no to those!" He was pointing to the Simpsons, and looking appalled. =)
I took the flags, of course!
Their mommas did not raise them right, that is for sure. Absolute poor taste. & at the same time...curious to know what exactly was going on in the sender's brain at that moment?
I work in marketing for a retirement community & one year for Christmas, a funeral home sent me a bottle of wine & a card that said "Thanks for all you do! Merry Christmas!"
ummm.....you're welcome? ::shakes head:: Sometimes I think the folks at funeral homes are like the kids that push violently against a door when it says "PULL" in bold letters.
Oh my word. Really? They deserve some sort of poor taste award. or at least a phone call...
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