I have only averaged about one meetup a month -- play dates, picnics, and the like. I'm super glad that I made a point to attend a recent event, though.
One of the outdoor malls in our area has public sprinkler fountains -- a literal godsend on the 90+ degree days we've been having. And after indulging in some yummy double dark chocolate ice cream with fresh raspberries from Marble Slab Creamery, the fountains were next on our agenda.
Seth LOVED them. I don't know that I've ever seen him more exuberant. The video doesn't quite do him justice. Just take the joy you see, and multiply it by a hundred. That might come close.
Here are some more still photos from our fun afternoon.

Such a happy little dude. :D
Okay, if THAT doesn't bring a grin to your face....you're made of ice.
Looks like so much fun!!
He is adorable! I love him. ;)
Too cute, Monica! It was great to see your Setharoni in action! Much love.
Awesome!! We have a fountain like that in Chattanooga, and my Andrew loves it!
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